Lawn Care

Charlottesville Lawn Care Calendar

Getting various tasks accomplished in the right order and at the right time of year is important to growing and maintaining a healthy, attractive Charlottesville lawn. Different grasses that grow in this region of Virginia (Kentucky bluegrass, fine and tall fescues, and perennial ryegrass), grow most in the cooler temperatures and with plenty of moisture.

With the help of this guide, you can stay on top of Charlottesville lawn care and keep your yard looking great all year. Of course weather patterns vary from year to year and this will definitely affect your lawn. So, always look to your lawn and your local conditions first, but let this care calendar help guide your work.

• Get your mower and lawn tools prepped, sharpened and ready for spring.
• Apply lime or other soil amendments as needed and according to soil test results.

• Start mowing at the first signs of growth, but mow slightly shorter than normal mowing heights.
• Apply pre-emergent herbicides when soil temperatures near 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Repair bare lawn spots.

• Mow at normal heights, leaving clippings on the lawn (clippings improve soil and add nutrients).
• Spot treat tough weeds with post-emergent herbicides. Treatment is most effective when weeds are small and actively growing.
• Fertilize lawns with fast- and slow-release nitrogen for quick results and long-term nutrition.

• Provide established lawns with plenty of water (about 1 inch of water per week – including rainfall).
• Raise mowing heights to 3 to 4 inches. High blades shade roots and encourage deep growth as well as discourages weed growth.

• Treat destructive grubs and other turf pests.
• Maintain taller grass heights throughout summer. Never remove more than one-third of the blade in a single mowing.

• Aerate compacted soil and dethatch lawns.
• Overseed to prevent or strengthen thinning lawns.
• Keep newly seeded or overseeded lawns moist.

• Fertilize lawn six weeks before the first frost date.
• Treat post-emergent broadleaf weeds with spot treatments.
• Gradually lower mower blades back to regular mowing heights.

• Keep mowing until grass stops growing. Your final mowing should be slightly lower than normal.
• Add lime or other soil amendments, according to soil test results (Fall applications let amendments work over winter).
• Mulch or collect fallen leaves, as unraked leaves can suffocate grass.
• Clean and winterize your lawn mower and other tools and equipment.

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