I just signed up with Sunday lawn care and my first delivery of lawn products arrived. Take a look at what all is included with your first box.
Here’s a closer look at the lawn care products included with your first Sunday delivery. I’m located in Virginia, so depending on your location, the exact products you receive will be slightly different.
Tall fescue is known for its rich green color, medium blade thickness and overall toughness.
- pro quality dense green and drought tolerant
- sun requirement full sun or light shade
- 99.9% weed free guarantee
The lawn starter kit includes spray bottle / hose end attachments and the soil test kit.
Lawn heat stress spray
Heat stress is caused by hot summer temps and days upon days of dry, arid weather. Even a healthy, tough lawn can take a beating in those conditions.
Organic weed killer
- See results in 20 minutes
- Kills grass, weeds, algae, and moss
- OMRI/organic herbicidal soap
Dandelion control
- Controls weeds in your lawn
- Kills most broadleaf weeds
- Derived from iron
- See results within hours
Does Sunday Work?
Well does all of this stuff actually work to give you a nicer looker lawn and be friendlier to the environment? I don’t know yet. But check back and I’ll let you know when I do. Has Sunday lawn care worked for you? If so, let me know in the comments section. If you are ready to try Sunday, be sure to use our coupon to save off the cost.