There are plenty of reasons to have a new tree in your life. Maybe you want to have more shade for a perfect place to relax, a spot for wildlife to gather around, or simply to increase the beauty of your lawn. Not to mention, it will help the planet and provide more oxygen in your yard!
But one of the more important things to keep in mind is that your tree looks good throughout all four seasons of the year. After all, why not have a tree that improves the aesthetic quality of your property year-round? Any of the following trees will fit perfectly in your front lawn and provide plenty of color throughout the year.
Sargent Cherry
Also known as prunus sargentii or the “Northern Japanese Hill Cherry,” the Sargent Cherry tree is a beautiful tree that can grow from 20-40 ft tall. It was native to Korea and Japan and was named and discovered by Charles Sprague Sargent and found in northern Japan in 1882.
It is fast-growing, and all it requires is well-drained soil and the bright sun to grow. And with no required maintenance at all, it’s the perfect tree to grow over time and embrace the beauty from its reddish and cinnamon-colored bark once it’s growing. At a rate of increasing by 13-24 ft per year, it won’t even take long to see it at its mature point.
Pink flowers will bloom during the springtime. During the summer, you will be greeted by the dark green leaves that are 3-5’ long, along with tiny fruit that will bring all types of birds to your yard. From the fall, the leaves will change to orange color, and there will be no leaves left during the winter, but the bright bronze bark will make the tree stand out until the spring arrives.
Sargent Cherry FAQs
Can you eat the fruits that grow out of Sargent Cherry?
The fruit is perfectly edible; the only real issue is avoiding swallowing the seed. It is tiny and doesn’t taste good, so it’s better to leave it for wildlife to consume.
How much sun does it need?
On average, the Sargent Cherry tree needs about six hours or so hours daily.
Where is a perfect spot to plant the tree?
It can fit perfectly well in locations near the sidewalk or driveway in the front yard. Any spot in the yard can bring birds in for the fruits during the summer.
Northern Red Oak
Also known as Quercus rubra, the Northern Red Oak is the perfect tree to fit in all types of soil and is an ideal fit in different locations worldwide. It is one of the easier trees to transplant to another place and grow.
It can grow up to 24” per year; the max height it can reach is up to 60-75’ at a fully mature age. It grows fast, and you will see a big difference in your yard after a short period. It will provide great shade to your home and stand out in your neighborhood in no time.
It will start sprouting acorns and leaves for all wildlife to enjoy. Acorns will be heavy enough to fall along with the bright green leaves to welcome the heat and shade during the summer. The leaves will change into bright red/orange colors in the fall and start falling.
Northern Red Oak FAQs
What kind of backyard will be perfect for the tree to grow?
Considering how tall and wide it can grow, a larger yard will be ideal. You should note that a smaller yard may not even let the tree grow out properly.
What kind of wildlife will approach it?
Acorns can bring small creatures like raccoons, deer, and squirrels to eat. Then, during the winter, deer can approach it for the buds and twigs that fall out of it.
How much can it spread wide?
It can spread around 45’ or so across once it reaches full maturity.
Tulip Tree
Also known as liriodendron tulipifera, the Tulip tree is originally from eastern America. The bark was used for various woodwork needs in early American history.
Reaching a height of up to 70-90’, it is one of the tallest trees in your yard. It requires average moisture for the soil to grow in, but it will have a fast rate of around 24” per year once it starts. As a result, it will turn into a tall part of your yard with exposure to plenty of sun.
It will bloom tulips during the spring and look beautiful through the summer. The leaves turn bright yellow as fall approaches, and the bark will stand out through winter. It will be a perfect fit to stand out in your yard.
Tulip Tree FAQs
Does the tree bring wildlife?
It does and provides food for both birds and small creatures. The spring nectar can attract hummingbirds, while the seeds can attract squirrels, rabbits, and birds. There have been reports that there might be a chance of pest problems if it draws in too much wildlife, so be sure to keep that in mind!
How far does it spread?
Around mature age, it can spead as far as 40’ out, providing a rich, full canopy.
How much sunlight does it need daily?
Around six hours or so to see the growth go fast. Any less, and it will take longer for the tree to reach a mature state.
These Colorful Trees Will Look Great All Year Long
There are so many trees out there that will be perfect for different types of people with different needs and wants for their homes. There is a wide selection to look over and imagine how they could fit into your yard, ranging from simple decoration to having an abundant source of shade or even establishing a point that will attract more wildlife to your home. Finding the right one to bring color to your life is difficult, especially during the winter. But the three trees listed here should be a great match for most people wanting color and beauty throughout all four seasons.